Symplectic operators satisfying generic and group-invariant (spectral) positivity conditions are studied; the theory developed is applied and illustrated to determine the unique invariant frequency decomposition (equivalently, linear quantization with invariant vacuum state) of the Klein-Gordon equation in non-static spacetimes. Let (H, Ω) be any linear topological symplectic space such that there exists a real-linear and topological isomorphism of H with some complex Hilbert space carrying Ω into the imaginary part of the scalar product. Then any bounded invertible symplectic S Sp(H) (resp. bounded infinitesimally symplecticA
sp(H)) which satisfies Ω(Sv, v) > 0 (resp. Ω(Av, v) > 0) for all nonzero v ω H, where S + I is invertible, is realized uniquely and constructively as a unitary (resp. skewadjoint) operator in a complex Hilbert space which depends in general on the operator and typically only densely intersects H. The essentially unique weakly and uniformly closed invariant convex cones in sp(H) are determined, extending previously known results in the finite-dimensional case. A notion of “skew-adjoint extension” of a closed semi-bounded infinitesimally symplectic operator is defined, strictly including the usual notion of positive self-adjoint extension in a complex Hilbert space; all such skew-adjoint extensions are parametrized, as in the von Neumann or Birman-Krein-Vishik theories. Finally, the unique complex Hilbertian structure—formulated on the space of solutions of the covariant Klein-Gordon equation in generic conformal perturbations of flat space—is uniquely determined by invariance under the scattering operator. The invariant Hilbert structure is explicitly calculated to first order for an infinite-dimensional class of purely time-dependent metric perturbations, and higher-order contributions are rigorously estimated.
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