miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

From Genomics to Sensomics. Unlearning a very old Technology


What is a Eh!Book?

This article would be treated as a Eh!Book.

This article is the result of evolution from Complex Thinking towards Complex Language, or Complex Writing.

This article, and many others in the Guay Gueby Gueb and elsewhere, try wherever towards the maximum common sense.

Writing on a very wide common sense to explain science means that all the power of popular language is implemented for science explanations.

In complementarity, the dificulty to follow Complex Writing can come from the overall mixing among many diferent disciplines and sciences you would find...

We actualy are living, among others! an overwhelming scientific revolution nowadays too.

An Eh!Book is also a Text where many of the text territory is hypertext.

An Eh!Book, thus, represent a double hypertextuality, containing very diferent knowledges and multiple links where you could amplify your vision.

An Eh!Book is thus a way to condensating many information in less space, more ideas in less time.

As you choose the speed of surfing in an Eh!Book, you always have the motor for search in the web.

Being this epistemological revolution created in symbiosis with The Web, and with the search engines, I imagine you could understand that "The media is the message..."; and I hope your comprehension about the serendipical and disordered materials you would find.

Anyway, you will find many kind of texts, many of them comprehensible for many readers...

(Would Economics be included here within Sensomics? Would Economics be considered in its "omics" side of managing (yourself) all the information ocean across ecosystems? Ecology as the study, Economics as the self management of the ecosystem...)

We present here Sensomics in a wider sense that that found in scientific articles about the biochemical diversity of bitter components in beer. Sensomics is a new line of scientific searching, dedicated to the food analysis.

There aren't any epistemological barrier to using "Sensomics" beyond the "Aromas' world. Sensomics works with sensations. Sensations are the basic units of input in information society. Any information you process in your life has a basis in sensations. To say sensations is to say the unit of perception, the unit of information.

In this way "Sensomics" becomes a transdiscipline covering all genomics, fenomics, metabolomics, proteomics, etc... and making a special, inclusional emphasis in the actualization of the observers, of their bodies, for making real in any of us, all the scientific predicament you could find in 21th century neurosciences.

Synthesizing now, from a draft this morning writen on a paper sheet...

Four Technologies or tools for enhancing yourself as an active observer (it is amazing how this phrase is mainly interpreted at the robot side of reality, as a level of our own robotization process):

Four covering subjects for such four technologies:

symbi, symsu, symdo, symbicy

is epistemologicaly equal to Symbiotic Conservation and Biocultural Diversity. The only diference is that symbiodiversity includes urban and western societies too, and not only indigenous people.

zeronomics feeds on Ecological Economics, Degrowth and Transition. zeronomics see where unsustainability is higher, proposing ways towards sustainability by comparing real situations among diferent territories cities or countries. In this way a bigger door of perception of the problem becomes open, making easier the credibility of the solutions. The dimension of the problem here is seen in correlation with the dimension of opportunities and possibilities for change.

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