Recording of Prof. Ray Monk's lecture, "Life Without Theory," delivered on Nov. 20, 2007 at the Philosophy Department at the University of Bergen. From the introduction to his article on biography:
"This article discusses recent attempts to provide the genre of biography with a philosophical, theoretical foundation and attempts to show that such efforts are fundamentally misguided. Biography is, I argue, a profoundly nontheoretical activity, and this, precisely, makes it philosophically interesting. Instead of looking to philosophy to provide a theory of biography, we should, I maintain, look to biography to provide a crucially important example and model of what Ludwig Wittgenstein called "the kind of understanding that consists in seeing connections." This kind of understanding stands in sharp contrast to the theoretical understanding provided by science and is, Wittgenstein maintained, what we as philosophers are, or should be, striving for." Prof. Monk is the author of "Ludwig Wittgenstein: Duty of Genius," available on here:
Five Planiland Monoculture Systems.
Five Unidimensional Tensors.
Five Botlenecks in Society's Evolution.
Five Symplectic and Synergetic Tools.
Five Hyper Stenoic Ways of Life (and death).
Five Subprograms Within 1.0 Kapitalism-Kernel.
Planiland in 1.0 Industrial Classroom.
Planiland in 1.0 Texts.
Planiland in 1.0 Transport Systems.
Planiland in Intensive (other) Animal Explotation.
Planiland in Intensive Greenhouse Plant Explotation.
Languages, among these "different" pareidolias, are interchangeable, just because plants, animals, humans, are all exploted within this pareidolic network; at the same level that prison guards live all their lives inprisonned, the teachers, and the "explotators", are all the more exploted; this explotation is so well programmed within our bodies (foucault), because the basic phisical conditios of reproduction of this 1.0 pareidolic system; the lie in patriarcal systems is to believe, by the side of the explotator, that she or he is free, and the exploted people is actualy exploted; but when you analyse quietly this falacy comes down at the speed of life-and-light; think in private property; flowing life tend to public and sharing property rights; the mental reality of the explotator is built by the continuous attention to that expansion of their ego which are actualy their properties; common people, or comunitary people, sharing a property, or no having at all any property, have their minds free to think in whatever they want to think; explotator, are, thus, firstly autoexplotated, by their own circulary and close thoughts, about how to maintain, all this ego expansion we call private property;
explotated people working within a explotatory system, when going out from their work, they can freely think and speak about any other thing;
patriarcal programming including texts as a magical and new tool to obtain submission by the exploted;
test would be spelled with "S", as Garcia calvo Agustin do; test, testis, testaferro, testamento, testify, all are basic tools derived in the perfectioning process of patriarcal system reproduction;
you travel out of big, and dehumanised metroplolis and you would find many shops and cafes, and restaurants, where no TITLE is marking by any test, that there is a restaurant there;
recently, I see a restaurant, test-labelled: "restaurante familial"; and i thought this interesting contradiction: how if a restaurant is familial, how it would need a label, writen above the door, saying "restaurante familial"?
so, all that pareidolia systems have worked, more intensively, and more programming people, mainly in the metropolis;
in that way, after to have pareidolised, a minimum mass of people in the metropolis, the system would be more easily reproduced, beyond metropolis, in the territories where the ressources would be continuously exploded, with the lie of promising them the same quality of life of the first world...
Maybe Sensosphere or mkptmk sensorial networks are interpretable by the dynamic functions within a transfinite HyperComplex Hilbert space?
As sounds are actually sonars, sonarrrrrs, sonarrrrrrrrs (this effect is specialy easy to perceiving within an old railway tunnel, as in Rincón de la Victoria Cantal), we haven't a lineal sound travelling as a plane rightly from New Your to Málaga, no!, what you have there are (imagine a cloudy day when flying) a succesive series of resounds (magnified by the clouds!), going as if dense smoke in a whet forest, difficult fire, in its beginnings...
You have a sucession of sound clouds, whenever you hear something around you. As more or less giant worms whose suden deformations in their body are so quick and noticeable, under your macroscopic vision.
What about three dimensional fractals-inthe-air.
Air, by means of thinking and feeling on-and-within echolocation in your everyday life, seem more and more visible for you, as a so very dynamic system, or ecosystem, air show a constant dynamic presence around your everyday life. One flying bird means a sample of turbulences that you know very well, each time these birds passing so near of your hears...
No matter if in this puntual observation, you are not hearing, and sensing in your skin, the fly of thi pigeon playing with the air, far from you. As pigeon is a common bird, another citizen, with you, you know them very well, your shared experience along your life, and the life of millions and millions people, are universal transconnectors, within that great neurosemantic network we call Noosphere, or Sensosphere. They are constancies among very much humankind. If you add in a list all the foods and life sharing significant part of humankind, under the neurosemantic coherence principle, this species act as sensorial constants, as a significant part of our neurosemantic networks that are shared by more people. This result means an objective way to measure all that join us Humans, as a superorganism, within Gaya...
Sensosphere is you because of sensorial equipment, or co-equipment, As oil for cars, "your" sensorial, quantum, equipment, are not only developped by "you" and isolated being, taken for him or her, the information they need...
Sensorial equipments exist as a symbiotic partenariat among a transfinite fuzzy, and quantum set, call Sensosphere.
To ignore sensorial systems (co-systems) as an essential core of Neurosciences, until now, has means a great cognitive dissonance, juts because our brains, scientist brains, after so long duration of scientific brain-solipsism, had forgotten that here in front of you you have "The World", the physical reality so active with you and within their rich interactions, as you are also an active participant, coparticipant, within the flowing of a transfinite dance of quantum tridimensional air bubles, where quantum transfigural geometry permits us to represent all that, symplecticaly, as the nice clouds, of diferent forms and speed of change, you may have seen in all your life...
Quantum Science is so much intuitive. Contraintuitive when you situate out of dynamic quantum thinking. When you situate your self out from shamanism, or the multiple ways other old cultures have learn to see the World...
Shamanism would be the ("human") (co-human) biotechnology, the scientific basis would come from many disciplines, symplecticaly from Quantum Sciences (Qu. Physics, Qu. Biology...)...
Sensosphere is very easy to approach for you if you choose some "observational-set", or observation.
Mindfulness is learn across many multicultural disciplines. Maybe the less disciplined among them would be Shamanism, that in last years have covered a significant critical mass within european-origin people, and within academias.
Mindfulness make available for you the possibility of increasing, with time, the spam of time you could concentrate within a certain experience, or "observational-set". I prefer to say "observational set" to not forget the always quantum, fractal, and compositional nature of any observation.
In that way you, an intuiscientist, are walking-and-observing. Intuition is the result of caring observations. Caring observations are like pamperings, or caresses, we call "technically, "kissels".
A kissel would be any observational-set or any observational subset we chose as, maybe, the sensorial effects resulting in you, after the quiet process of observating, has make an important, or significant impact in your neurosemantic networks, so a LTP (long Term potentiation of your sensorial capacities, or your sensibility, or row tropisms, as remarked by Margulis, Lynn...
So from a transfinite set of sensations all them dancing around, on, towards, and from, you, the sensosphere (ecobrain would be an arbitrary subset of sensosphere, as an example the sensosphere within a classroom would be a "ecobrain"), we take a sub sample, maybe the site to where our eyes-and-senses decided to focus in that moment, maybe for the originality, maybe because the efficiency in recompensation for the highest neurosemantic diversity. For example, looking in Paseo Marítimo de La Cala, one day, a struendous flying group of parrots, following a small dog, keeping in her mouth one parrot, was a very sygnificant observation which is very difficult to forget in a complete fashion...
In that way we chose arbitrary partitions within this splendidous "new" hard disk, sensosphere, or mkptmk, for a certain time, maybe some minutes. After that, we follow walking with our senses open, trying to hunting new significant observations, or "observation-set"...
After significant observations, it is common your mind will receive a "conceptual recompensation"; for me is the case, actualy, as my endeavours these years was reconnecting and recomposing, a "harappa" called "Global Science", using as superglue all the results of integration we meet within internet across the search engines. This process of abduction (new thinking) is how science or popular knowledge growths. The new things, and thoughts, in a rural, preliterate society, are sumbiotically interconnected, as in such society all the material world is in permanent conversation within community, taken as such all both parts, men, women and plants and all life in the biorregion...
If all the conversation you have in a restaurant, is complemented, synchronically, by the birds, other people, and the sea and their waves, your "human" conversations where formaly you separate all that evident conversations from your "special" (from an anthropocentric point of view) human conversation of all the conversations within the same ecosystem you are.
Is as if you are so slept, walking within a very reach forest, that you sudenly discover all the trees that before were invisible for you. As perceiving a forest as a desert.... Fractaly sahara haas the greter geodiversity, and biogeodiversity in the world, just connecting visualy, with the greates library, the universe, for more number of people.... The implications of so clear universal semiotics on a place on Earth are significant ones...
Essential unitarization of symplectics and applications to field quantization Stephen M. Paneitz* Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, U.S.A. Received 1 September 1981. Communicated by the Editors Available online 20 July 2004.
AbstractSymplectic operators satisfying generic and group-invariant (spectral) positivity conditions are studied; the theory developed is applied and illustrated to determine the unique invariant frequency decomposition (equivalently, linear quantization with invariant vacuum state) of the Klein-Gordon equation in non-static spacetimes. Let (H, Ω) be any linear topological symplectic space such that there exists a real-linear and topological isomorphism of H with some complex Hilbert space carrying Ω into the imaginary part of the scalar product. Then any bounded invertible symplectic S Sp(H) (resp. bounded infinitesimally symplecticA sp(H)) which satisfies Ω(Sv, v) > 0 (resp. Ω(Av, v) > 0) for all nonzero v ω H, where S + I is invertible, is realized uniquely and constructively as a unitary (resp. skewadjoint) operator in a complex Hilbert space which depends in general on the operator and typically only densely intersects H. The essentially unique weakly and uniformly closed invariant convex cones in sp(H) are determined, extending previously known results in the finite-dimensional case. A notion of “skew-adjoint extension” of a closed semi-bounded infinitesimally symplectic operator is defined, strictly including the usual notion of positive self-adjoint extension in a complex Hilbert space; all such skew-adjoint extensions are parametrized, as in the von Neumann or Birman-Krein-Vishik theories. Finally, the unique complex Hilbertian structure—formulated on the space of solutions of the covariant Klein-Gordon equation in generic conformal perturbations of flat space—is uniquely determined by invariance under the scattering operator. The invariant Hilbert structure is explicitly calculated to first order for an infinite-dimensional class of purely time-dependent metric perturbations, and higher-order contributions are rigorously estimated. References1. 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